Print Cafe of LI, Inc

Print Cafe of LI, Inc
Showing posts with label #brochures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #brochures. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tips for Impossible-to-Ignore Brochures


        Tips for Impossible-to-Ignore Brochures

         Time for a new brochure for your business? When was the last time you updated it? Maybe          you need to tweak a few things or need a complete overhaul.

Either way, here are some fresh ideas to make sure your brochure shines in the face of the competition. Let’s focus on a few items to make sure your brochure isn’t just standing around; it needs to be picked up and read.

Ditch the Building

First of all, remove that picture of your building from the front of the brochure. Although you’re proud of it, your building doesn’t draw people in as you think it might.

Pick photographs that are more eye-catching and appealing to the reader. Photos with people in them or the new product you offer make the best choices. You can reveal the newest, greatest product, or you can use a photo that shows the emotion of how they will feel when they use the product or your business.

Turn Heads with Headlines

Your headlines need to compel readers and make them open the brochure.

It usually takes someone about five seconds to decide to read a brochure or not. That’s not much time, so you need the cover to be the best it can be. 

Know your Audience

Figure out who your audience is and what you hope to accomplish with the brochure; in other words, find out your target market.

There is no way a brochure will be able to tell it all. But it should tell the things that are important to you and your company and essential to the customer. How will your business help them? Be sure to spell this out clearly.

Sell, Don’t Tell

Don’t waste words trying to tell the whole story of your business and why it’s in existence. You need to sell people why your business is the best choice for them.

Have you heard of AIDA?

AIDA is an acronym for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. This is the key to unlocking the mystery of how to write your brochure. You need to do all these things to make it a successful brochure. You want to lure them in and let them know how and why you can help them. And you need to make sure you tell them what you want them to do next: return a postcard, go to your website, call you, make an appointment, etc.


To start, make a list of all the reasons why someone would want to use your business. Use this list in writing the copy for the brochure. Do they want to use your product or services just because you offer them? No.

You need to tell them why you do it better than the competition and how your service is second to none. When doing this, be sure to use compelling headlines and bullet points, which will help move them along in reading your brochure. It needs to be relatable and easy to read. Focus on them, not you. For example, “You will be able to stay in touch with your loved ones easier…” rather than “You will have free long-distance.” Tell them why your company benefits them.


Besides the writing, the image you portray in the brochure is important.

Many novice designers use too many colors and fonts and cram way too much into the brochure. You need white space. And you need to pick a font that looks right for your company image. This will show readers your professionalism.


Pick the right paper and fold.

There are different ways to design brochures, and it’s up to you to pick the right layout and orientation. The paper options are endless, so it is a great idea to talk with your printer to help you get the desired outcome. Do you want elegance? Do you want something fresh and cutting-edge? Do you want to look funky and fun? The right paper can help push your brochure in the right direction.

We are here to help you design and print the best brochure possible. Check us out today, and let’s get started!  516-561-1468 or FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF OUR MARKETING PRODUCTS GO


Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Photoshop vs Illustrator

Photoshop vs Illustrator

If you are just starting out as a designer, deciding between Photoshop vs Illustrator might not be an easy task.

So, we’ll lay out some facts for you to decide which one of these Adobe products is a better fit for you. 

Let’s start off with the basics.

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor and design software that is developed by, well, Adobe. The first version of Illustrator came to life in 1987. It has been regarded as the best vector graphics editing software by PC Magazine in 2018. 

Vectors are points that are used to create perfectly smooth lines. They are scalable images that no matter how large or small you make the size, they look the same when it comes to resolution and clarity. You can zoom up to 900%, and you’ll have sharp & clear designs. 

If you want to create a design from scratch, Adobe Illustrator is a great fit. It gives you the flexibility to create a design that you can also freehand to get the best results.

As above mentioned, if you are on a vector-based project such as logos, designs, or any other type of project, Adobe Illustrator is the way to go.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe, Inc in 1988. It’s been a standard in the digital art industry ever since. 

As the name itself suggests, if you are looking to work on images, whether it is editing or enhancing the image, Adobe Photoshop is the way to go. Photoshop is also great for raster-based art since the program itself is raster-based and uses pixels to create images.

Photoshop was originally developed for photographers, but over time it has grown to help all kinds of artists with their work. It is now widely used for interface designs, web pages, video graphics, banners, and the creating and editing of images.

Photoshop vs Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator are both great graphic design apps, but they have features that make them best for certain tasks and projects.

If you are looking to work with vectors, Adobe Illustrator is the way to go. If your work is pixel-based, you should go with Adobe Photoshop since it uses the pixel-based format to show images. 

Illustrator enables you to create precise, crisp, and editable vector graphics. As aforementioned, these graphics stay sharp in any size. You can use flexible shape and drawing tools to create great-looking logos, icons, other types of illustrations that’ll look good on a business card or a flyer.  

Illustrator works great for artwork that is going to be used in various mediums, and for various types of artworks such as typography, infographics, and one-page design.

However, If you are looking to create multi-page documents, using Illustrator is not a good idea. It doesn’t have the features that are used to set up master pages. 

Adobe Photoshop is great for working with pixel-based images that’ll be designed for print, web, and mobile applications. You can use Photoshop to create flyers that have heavy images, posters, web and app designing, videos, animations, and editing 3d images.

Both these programs have their strong points, and graphic designers usually use both. To have the best workflow, it’s always best to have all the options available in your arsenal.

That being said, if you have a tight budget and can afford to purchase just one, make sure to go with the one that fits your specific graphic design needs.

If that’s the case, there are many factors you should consider. You don’t need to limit yourself to these two apps, either. If you want to be able to design wherever you are with your iPad, Procreate is a great app. If you are not on iOS, there are Procreate android alternatives that you can try. Quite a few of them also work on PC, so you can create new cg artwork wherever you are!

If you were to choose only one of them, which would be your design software of choice? Let us know !

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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

6 Ways to Add Bleed (and How to Choose the Best One)

   6 Ways to Add Bleed (and How to Choose the Best One)

Missing bleed is one of the most common problems in print files. Bleed is the extension of the artwork on each side to allow for cutter variance, so it’s an essential part of a good print file. Bleed requirements differ among printers but a commonly minimum is 0.125” on each side.
Many of your clients may not know how to add bleed, leaving the task in your hands. There are several different ways to add bleed. Naturally, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
We’ll cover them in this article so that you can easily choose the best way to add bleed to your clients’ files.

Adding Bleeding to Your Print Files

1. Release or Remove Masks

Sometimes the bleed is just hidden by a mask that’s set around the edge of the trim area. When you release or remove the mask, it appears, so you’re therefore not truly adding bleed; you’re just unmasking it.
before and after removing mask


  • It won’t distort the artwork or change image resolution.
  • The client may have provided the bleed that they wanted underneath.
  • It can be quick and easy if the file is built simply.

  • There may not be any bleed hidden after all.
  • You risk unmasking other elements that were intentionally hidden.
  • Time-consuming if the file is complex with multiple masks.

2. Increase Artwork Size

Another way to add bleed is to increase the size of the entire artwork, or part of it (e.g. the background). This method is most suitable when there are no important elements close to the trim edge.

before and after enlarging artwork


  • When enlarging the entire artwork, the ratio won’t get distorted.
  • It’s a fast and easy fix.
  • Most clients won’t be able to tell if their artwork was increased by 1-2%.

  • Elements close to the edge may get cut off (e.g. thin borders).
  • Enlarging raster images will slightly affect their resolution.
  • The client may be able to tell that their artwork was enlarged.

3. Decrease Artwork Size

Similarly, you can shrink the artwork. This leaves a white border. You’re not actually adding bleed, just eliminating the need for one. Alternatively, you may choose to add a color to this border and add bleed to that.

before and after shrinking artwork


  • It’s a fast and easy fix.
  • It actually slightly improves the resolution.
  • None of the artwork will get cut off.

  • There is a very obvious change in the artwork, which may not be wanted.
  • You risk having uneven borders due to both resizing and cutter movement.
  • Small type may become harder to read.

4. Stretch Elements

This technique is most suitable when objects that are missing bleed are rectangular vector elements with no curves, as you can easily stretch them out without distortion or pulling parts too close to the edge.

before and after stretching artwork


  • It will only impact the element that is getting stretched.
  • It can be quick and easy on certain types of artwork.
  • Most clients won’t be able to tell if you stretch an unimportant part of the artwork.

  • Distortion will occur on non-rectangular vector elements and raster images.
  • Parts of the stretched element may get cut off if they’re close to the trim edge.
  • You may also have to delete masks.

5. Add Objects

Adding shapes to the bleed area works best when the artwork at the trim edge is a solid color. It’s still possible if it isn’t, but takes much more time. Ideally, you are purely adding bleed and not touching anything else.

before and after adding elements


  • You are not changing any artwork within the trim area.
  • It can be done using even simple image editing software.
  • If done well on the right type of artwork, clients won’t be able to tell the difference.

  • The added bleed may not perfectly match the edge of the original artwork.
  • It can be time-consuming.
  • The difficulty level can be high depending on the artwork.

6. Flip the Artwork

Flipping the artwork at the trim edge to create a reflected mirror image for the bleed is a function available in some programs and plugins. This produces a symmetrical image with the line of symmetry at the trim. There is no hard rule for what works best here, so you may have to test it out to see whether the result visually “makes sense.”

before and after flipping artwork


  • With the right plugin/program tool it can be fast and easy.
  • It won’t distort or change the artwork within the trim area.
  • It matches the same colors and shapes in the artwork.

  • It requires a higher level of image editing software/plugin.
  • The results may appear nonsensical and not what the client intended.
  • It won’t work if there’s a thin border or if the artwork doesn’t fully touch the trim edge.

Conclusion: Using Good Judgement

A good bleed makes a big difference, but not all bleed is good bleed. The methods that we shared here produce different results depending on the nature of the artwork, so always exercise your own good judgment in addition to the tips we’ve provided. Sometimes you may even choose not to add bleed. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

How to Turn Negativity into Inspiration

How to Turn Negativity into Inspiration

It's easy to look at successful businesspeople and feel jealous of what they've accomplished. They make it look so easy that you wonder why you're not having the same level of success in your life and career. However, what you may not see is the hundreds of times they've had their ideas shot down, been passed over for a promotion, and just generally rejected in their lives. No one is immune to the soul-crushing feeling of harsh criticisms, but how you react to these situations is what makes the difference. From taking a leap into the unknown to dealing with difficult situations, these stories of overcoming negative situations will inspire you to achieve more than you could possibly imagine.

Stirring Generations of Moviegoers

George Lucas tried to sell his Star Wars script with studios for nearly five years before he finally received his first chance. It's almost unimaginable that without one 20th Century Fox executive who believed in his vision, generations of children and adults alike would have never been introduced to that vast galaxy that lives far, far away. Today, this franchise is worth over $30 billion and continues to expand. His thoughts about always pushing forward through rejection and failure? "You use the information that you've gotten, which is experience . . . Failure is another word for experience."

Apprentice Yourself in Failure

Henry Ford's story tells how he spent his life working on every conceivable type of device, but it wasn't until he tried his hand at creating a horseless carriage that he truly began -- to fail. He started multiple companies with various partners, each time attempting to find the secret sauce that would allow him to produce his automobile efficiently and cost-effectively. Throughout his journey, he faced setbacks and people who didn't believe that he could be successful. Finally, he found the ideal financial backer who allowed him to realize his true vision of an inexpensive yet reliable vehicle that could be mass-produced. By never giving up, he not only made Ford a household name but also created innovative production methods that jump-started the American economy.

Demoted, Fired . . . President of the United States

There are few Cinderella stories more inspirational than that of Abraham Lincoln. From his birth in a one-room log cabin to a sketchy education, Abraham Lincoln went on to become one of the most influential leaders in American history. Not only was he demoted during his stint in the Army, not only did he work through several failed businesses, but he also suffered defeat through multiple elections before rising to the country's highest position. Abraham Lincoln's inspiring story shows that failure is truly never an option.

The Right Job for Enough Money

Not everyone equates becoming rich and famous with being successful. In fact, Professor Jeffrey Sachs feels that the key to inspiration is finding the right job for enough money. Being inspired, and inspiring others, often comes towards the middle or end of a long career that can include negativity, stress, poor bosses, and apathetic co-workers. While it's practically impossible to know upfront whether a particular job will become what inspires you, the only way to reach that higher plane is through overcoming negativity. Work-life balance and true happiness come through the inspiration to excel wherever life finds you.

Life is difficult, and few people will hand you an opportunity on a silver platter. Turning negativity into inspiration may be one of the toughest things that you will ever do, but the payoff is everything! Take a moment each day to inspire and uplift others. You never know when your kind words could encourage someone to keep pushing towards their dreams.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Target Local Consumers with Event Sponsorship

                    Target Local Consumers with Event Sponsorship

Corporate sponsorship is one of the most effective marketing channels, but most businesses haven’t tried it.

What is event sponsorship and why should you consider it? From a 5K road race to a good old-fashioned neighborhood picnic, companies that get outside their walls can make a huge splash in the community.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Businesses that rely on local support understand that their company will grow primarily through the support of its neighbors.

How do you engage your neighbors?

By being a good neighbor! Put a face on your business by sponsoring a baseball league, hosting community events on your lawn, or by mobilizing your city to benefit a beloved charity.

Community development events show you are invested in your region and you enjoy its people. Here are some fun examples of how firms have made this a reality:

* Budweiser helps sponsor the annual “duck” tape festival in Avon, Ohio. With music, brews, fashion shows, and family-friendly movies, the three-day event draws more than 60,000 people from around the world to see taped parade floats and a playful tapestry of taped costume creations.

* McDonald’s and Pizza Hut sponsor “the Chicken Show” in Wayne, Nebraska, which features a “national cluck-off” and the world’s largest chicken dance celebration.

* In 2016 Pretty Pampers Beauty Essex hosted a charity event that offered affordable and luxurious experiences while raising money for The Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Local spas teamed up to provide steeply discounted services like massages and facials so donors could relax and unwind. Between sessions, guests could shop boutique vendor stalls featuring local clothing, jewelry, cosmetics, and home decor.

Hosting or sponsoring an event can help your business demonstrate its commitment to community involvement, philanthropy, and family fun. Of those local businesses who get involved in a community event, 80% said they were satisfied with the results and many reaped tangible benefits like features in local newspapers, tags in citywide blogs, promotional newsletter highlights, and social media selfies!

Events spread your name in print through T-shirts, prizes, water bottles, and giant displays, and photos of real people in action. This prompts word-of-mouth marketing that simply can’t be captured elsewhere. In 2016-2017, companies who used local events saw sales increase by an average of 14 percent.

Use Corporate Events to Spread the Love

How can your business get started in spreading some cheer?

Sponsor a charity event or contest, host a sales or promo booth at a community festival, promote an on-site event, or allow your customers to nominate recipients of a “give-back” incentive you sponsor for your city. Sponsorship doesn’t always have to be monetary: you can also look for ways to volunteer branded items, free service from your company, or concessions donations for a city-wide festival.

Want to multiply your marketing dollars and make a lasting impact? A micro-market event focus can bring better results and spread the love. When companies support issues they care about, they gain greater trust and loyalty from patrons. And that investment is sure to yield great returns!

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