Print Cafe of LI, Inc

Print Cafe of LI, Inc
Showing posts with label #bookletprinting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #bookletprinting. Show all posts

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Marketing Glossary: 10 Key Terms Every 

Small Business Owner Needs to Know

If you're new to print marketing (or marketing in general) for your small business, it is easy to get confused by all the industry-specific jargon. But fear not. We're here to provide clarity and guidance!

Regardless of the print media you choose, be it postcards, brochures, or posters, implementing effective marketing strategies is essential for getting the best results. And a critical step towards success is gaining an understanding of the fundamental terms used in marketing.

Here is a list of 10 essential terms you need to know as a small business owner.

10 Key Marketing Terms Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know

1. Branding

Branding refers to all the processes that help create a unique business identity.

Effective branding is vital to making your business stand out from competitors in a positive way. Branding elements include your company's name, mission, logo, general theme, tone of voice, etc.

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing revolves around creating information intended to be consumed by an audience.

Good content should offer helpful information in an easy-to-read format, eventually driving more sales.

3. Lead

A lead is an individual or organization reached or engaged by your brand content.

They have shown a level of interest in your brand and are likely to make a purchase. Simply put, your leads are your potential customers. 

4. Lead Generation

Lead generation refers to a business's methods or tactics to attract potential customers (leads).

It often involves acquiring these would-be customers' contact and demographic details, learning about the target market, and eventually converting them into buyers.

5. Sales Funnel

The process that guides the leads you have generated from the time they discover your business to when they make a purchase is called the sales funnel.

It is typically made up of several steps in increasing levels of commitment for the lead until the sale is completed. The stages in a sales funnel are not the same for every business. While some use a simple 3-step model, others use a more complicated approach.

6. Buyer Persona

A buyer persona refers to a fictional individual with specific attributes that make them your ideal customer.

Knowing your buyer persona will help you adapt your marketing strategy to generate more leads.

7. Demographics

Demographics refer to the specific data or attributes that define your target audience.

Examples of demographics include age, sex, location, occupation, and income.

8. Call to Action (CTA)

A call to action is a prompt that urges readers to make a purchase or carry out some specific activity.

Some examples of CTAs are asking your reader to visit your website or contact customer service. Research shows that a good CTA can increase your conversions by up to 28%.

9. Testimonial

A testimonial is a positive review by your previous or current customer about your business.

Publishing a customer's statement about your product or service's value to them in your brochure or newsletter will boost your credibility and encourage potential customers.

10. Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on investment is a method of project evaluation.

It measures a business's profit (return) in carrying out a project with the money (investment) spent on that project. ROI can help you determine the most profitable marketing strategy for your business.

With a solid understanding of these fundamental terms, you're on your way to navigating the world of marketing with confidence!

Contact us for trustworthy and professional printing services—we're here to support your marketing projects! For More Information Please Call 516-561-1468


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

6 Ways to Elevate Postcard Marketing 

with QR Codes

Digital marketing may be everywhere, but many companies still use print marketing or print products as part of their advertising and marketing plans. Finding ways to integrate the tangible appeal of print marketing with the interactivity of the online realm is a great way to utilize both.

One way to do this is strategically using QR codes on postcards. QR codes provide an exciting opportunity to add interactivity, engagement, and measurable insights to your print marketing campaigns.

According to recent statistics, in 2022, 89 million smartphone users scanned a QR code with their devices. With this number projected to reach nearly 100 million by 2025, it is evident that QR codes have become a prominent tool in connecting offline and online experiences.

Now, let's explore six creative ways to leverage QR codes on postcards to captivate your audience and boost your print marketing efforts.

6 Creative Ways to Use QR Codes on Postcards

1. Link to a Website or Landing Page 

Placing a QR code on your postcard is a great way to provide more information about your business or organization.

You can use a QR code to link to your website, a landing page for a special offer, or even a video about your products or services. This immediately turns offline traffic into online traffic and gives you valuable, measurable insights into how well your marketing dollars work.

2. Offer a Discount or Promotion

Everyone likes to get something for free or at least at a discount.

You can also use QR codes as an inexpensive way to promote your business or organization. You can use a QR code to offer a discount on your products or services or to enter a contest or giveaway.

3. Collect Feedback From Customers

Seeking customer feedback is vital for growth, and you can use QR codes to collect it.

By creating a survey that you link to a QR code, you can gather immediate responses and gain valuable insights to improve your offerings and meet customer needs. 

4. Drive Traffic to Social Media 

Want to gain followers on social media? Use QR codes!

QR codes can be used to drive traffic to your social media pages. You can use a QR code to link to your Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram, or any other social media platform. Combine driving traffic to your social media accounts with a discount, and you have a double whammy. 

5. Personalize Your Postcards 

Don't have enough room on your printed postcard for a lengthy or personal message? QR codes can be used to personalize your postcards.

You can use a QR code to link to a video or message specific to the recipient.

6. Distribute a Free E-Book or Digital Download

Many organizations and businesses use free e-books and digital downloads to gain loyal customers.

With a quick QR code scan, your customers can be led directly to the e-book or digital download, and you can collect valuable data. 

QR codes are a versatile tool that can be used in various ways, which is why they are at the top of the industry trends-to-watch list. Using QR codes on your postcards, you can add interactivity and engagement to your marketing campaigns.

Combining established mobile technology with print marketing will help your business soar to the next level. Contact us today to learn how to start incorporating QR codes into your next round of postcards. Call 516-561-1468


Thursday, September 21, 2023

5 Ways to Outshine the Competition 

with Die-Cut Signs

Die-cut signs offer a great way to elevate your business's visibility and make a lasting impression. Whether promoting products or services, announcing events, or enhancing your brand's presence, die-cut signs leave a lasting impression.

Die-cutting is a broad term that refers to a process in which you use a machine to mass-produce cut-out shapes. This saves time and guarantees professional, consistent results every time without using scissors, stencils, or a craft knife. 

The five tips below will help you use die-cut signs to stand out and leave a lasting impression. 

5 Ways to Outshine the Competition with Die-Cut Signs

1. Material Matters

Die-cut signs can be made from various materials, including plastic, metal, and wood.

The material you choose will depend on the look you're going for and the environment your signs will be displayed in.

2. Select an Eye-Catching Die-Cut

The die-cut shape of your sign offers boundless creative opportunities.

You can choose a simple shape, such as a rectangle or a circle, or get more elaborate with a custom die-cut. Here are some ideas to inspire you:

  1. Your logo or other iconic images, e.g., A cut-out of a mermaid in a Starbucks
  2. Silhouettes of your products or services, e.g., a cupcake for a bakery or an airplane for a travel agency.
  3. A shape that evokes your values, e.g., a leaf-shaped sign for an eco-friendly product.

A company that does this well is Starbucks. Their stores often have signage replicating the green and white round mermaid logo on their cups and packaging. 

3. Find the Perfect Printing Method

Die-cut signs can be printed in various ways, including offset, digital, and screen printing.

The printing method you choose will depend on your budget and the look you're going for.

4. Keep Your Text Clear and Concise

Brevity will ensure that your message on your die-cut is easy to read and understand.

Grab the attention of prospective customers quickly with strong words that prompt a call to action.

5. Use High-Quality Materials

Investing in durable materials ensures that your die-cut signs withstand the test of time, making a lasting impression for years to come.

Following these tips, you can create die-cut signs to help your business stand out and attract new customers.

Ready to make your business shine? Visit us online or call our shop to try this creative marketing method! 516-561-1468


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Why, What, and How of a Good Brand: 

Don’t Miss These Tips and Tricks

A brand is the spirit and soul of your company. It makes your company recognizable, trustworthy, and loved by customers. A brand built up well is one of your company's most valuable assets! 

59% of consumers prefer buying their products from familiar brands. That's why crafting a brand is vital, considering many different elements of what you want your company's brand to be! Here are some things you should consider. 

5 Tips for Creating an Effective Brand

1. Identify Your Audience and Research Competition

One of the first steps in creating your company's brand should be completing market research.

Identifying your company's target audience will help you focus on communicating to them how your company's products or services will meet their needs and values.

It's also important to scope out how the competitors in your company's field compare to what your business has to offer. When marketing your brand, consider emphasizing what makes your company unique to stand out from competitors. 

2. Design the Visual Aspect of Your Brand

Using a signature color can increase a customer's brand recognition by 80%.

Choosing a color or two that works for your company and keeping it consistent between your brand's packaging, logo, and any other print materials will create a strong association in your customer's minds. 

A consistent font or typography style can also help create a cohesive and professional feel for your brand.

3. Create a Personality for Your Brand

One of the more finite details you might not have considered is the language your brand uses in its signage, advertisements, and other marketing.

Choosing a "voice" for your brand will create consistency and make your branding more effective. For example, if you're trying to create a classy, high-end feel for your brand, consider using more formal language; if your target audience is young adults, consider using more conversational vocabulary.

Remember, your company slogan should also reflect your brand's personality to your customers. 

If your company has social media accounts, create posts that reflect the personality that your brand is going for and reply to posts mentioning your company to connect with customers and build familiarity and trust with them.  

4. Consistency is Key for Your Brand

Consumers will agree that the strongest kind of brand is a consistent brand.

The brands that have earned a loyal customer following over the years are the ones that integrate their brand's personality and key elements seamlessly throughout their entire company. 

One of the easiest ways to do this is by creating a style guide for your entire company. A style guide is like the rulebook for your brand, and every company department should have it. This practice ensures that font, tone of voice, and color shades remain consistent between direct mail, social media posts, your company website, and more. 

5. Never be Afraid to Rebrand

Sometimes, even if your company's current brand is effective, a rebrand might open up more opportunities for you.

Consider how you might be able to change your company's name, visual aspects like logo and color scheme, or brand "voice" to better speak to your audience.

But remember to gather feedback from your current customers before making any major brand shifts and try to maintain a degree of brand consistency to prevent instability.

Your brand is an asset that can drive customer preference and contribute to long-term success. Invest the time and effort into crafting a brand that truly represents your company's values and resonates with your target audience. 

Follow these five tips and tricks to unlock your brand's potential and watch your business soar! If you need help translating your ideas into print, contact us today. 



Saturday, September 16, 2023

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM): 

What It Is and How to Use It

In today's digital world, most of the messages we receive as consumers come from online platforms. However, leveraging traditional methods of communication is still effective for reaching customers. According to Newswires, direct mail boasts an average response rate between 2.7% and 4.4%, while email only has a 0.6% response rate.

Direct mail remains a relevant and valuable way for your company to advertise itself to the public. But the idea of unknowingly sending your print materials to random addresses might seem daunting. 

Thankfully, the United States Postal Service (USPS) offers a program that allows you to send your direct mail specifically to your company's target demographic, making it even more effective! This feature is called Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM). Read on to learn more about this helpful option!

5 Things to Know About Every Door Direct Mail

1. Individual Address Are Not Required

One of the advantages of EDDM is that you don't need to know the specific mailing addresses of your recipients.

Instead, EDDM uses zip codes or neighborhoods to send your print materials to every door within that area.

2. Pinpointing Your Target Demographic

EDDM uses official U.S. Census data, allowing you to identify factors such as age, income level, and other demographic statistics for your selected community. 

This feature simplifies targeting areas with the highest likelihood of a positive response from your company's desired audience.

According to CompareCamp, 54% of consumers say they only want to receive direct mail from brands that interest them. EDDM can help ensure that the addresses your mail gets sent to are the customers most likely to be interested in your products or services. 

3. Limitations

Before deciding whether EDDM suits your company, it's essential to consider its limitations.

The program only allows you to send mail to either a mix of residential and business addresses or a list of strictly residential addresses. In other words, if your company's target demographic is solely businesses, EDDM might not be the most profitable option.

Additionally, remember that to use EDDM, your company must send a minimum of 200 pieces of mail and a maximum of 5,000 per day for each selected ZIP code. 

4. How to Start Using EDDM

To begin using EDDM for your direct mail, whether you represent a business or an individual, you'll need to create a USPS account to start using EDDM for your direct mail.

Once you have an account, use the online tool to select the geographic areas where you'd like your mail sent. Take advantage of the demographic filters to refine your target audience!

5. Design and Send Your Direct Mail

When designing your direct mail pieces, ensure they follow the guidelines and requirements for EDDM.

These specifications can be found on the USPS website. Remember to make your mailpiece eye-catching and easy to read, with a clear call to action. Then drop off your mailpieces at a post office or ship them to one with the correct EDDM facing slip attached.

EDDM is a helpful way to increase the effectiveness of your company's direct mail and eliminates the need to purchase or create a mailing list.

Consider using EDDM for your next batch of print materials and see how it can impact reaching your target audience! Contact us with questions about utilizing this tool with your next campaign. Call US Today at: 516-561-1468