Print Cafe of LI, Inc

Print Cafe of LI, Inc

Friday, October 19, 2018

Plug In to the Power of Personal Reflection

Plug In to the Power of Personal Reflection

Sometimes life is like a treadmill.

Occasionally you’re on a calm jog and the belt speed never outpaces your strides. Sometimes, you push yourself to the limit but find the challenge ideal. But in certain seasons, the treadmill is moving too fast to handle. You long to step back from the grind, but this seems like an impossible luxury.

It’s ok to press pause. It’s actually GREAT to press pause. Often in our battle for success, we never stop to address broken systems in our home, health, or careers. Simple adjustments might bring substantially better output, but we rarely prioritize personal maintenance. The decision is yours: will you make time to reflect and adjust or continue relentlessly until life dumps you in a heap?

Take Time to Press Pause.

Once you’ve slowed down (yes, really slowed down!) what should you do?

Perhaps you should begin with a simple pleasure (a walk, coffee treat, or nap?) to allow your mind to unwind. Then consider an intentional approach to reflection.

Psychologist Robert Taibbi (author of “Boot Camp Therapy: Action Oriented Brief Approaches to Anxiety, Anger and Depression") suggests you begin by defining a problem area as concretely as possible. Avoid being vague or grouping several problems under one umbrella (i.e. “this house is a disaster!”). Instead, identify specific areas of struggle (“this coat closet is overcrowded”) and decide on a personal plan of action.

Don’t be overwhelmed by what you CAN’T do, instead focus on manageable steps that will move you forward (“lower coat hooks would be better”). Begin with a positive spirit and an intentional ownership of the solution. Make a plan, ask for help, or take action as soon as possible. As you make even tiny strides, you will be empowered to continue.

Find Tools for Growth.

Sometimes a perspective shift requires greater insight than we have on our own.

Consider some coaching, mentorship, or tools like workbooks or discussion groups. Clinical psychologist and professor Jordan Peterson has been fascinated by the therapeutic effects of writing for decades. Experiments dating back for decades show that writing can reduce depression, increase productivity, and even cut down on doctor visits.

Peterson and his team have recently rolled out several tools for self-reflection, including virtues and faults analysis, past and future writing exercises, or a full “self-authoring” suite that allows people to locate and resolve problem areas so they can better dream and achieve in the future. “The act of writing is more powerful than people think,” Peterson says. The decisive results of Peterson’s research prompted NPR to dub his reflection tool the “writing assignment that changes lives.”

Make a Plan.

They say if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

What part of your week do you devote to reflecting on your goals or challenges? Do you take mini-retreats to refocus? What if you set this as a top priority and allowed your reflection time to dictate your schedule priorities in a given week, month, or year?

Look for natural cues in your seasonal schedule (i.e. Daylight Savings changes, pre-scheduled auto maintenance, your half birthday) and seek to align some intentional reflection with these cues. Add smaller goals (like a monthly “plan of action”) to put wheels on your long-term vision. Find a friend or mentor to keep you accountable or schedule regular check-ins (alone or with others) to get yourself back on track after a derailment.

Just as professional performance reviews are a priority, how much more essential is self-review? Make regular deposits into your own well-being and soon your bank account will grow!

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Monday, October 15, 2018

Pure Happiness: How to Reduce the Impact of Negative People in Your Life

Pure Happiness: How to Reduce the Impact of Negative People in Your Life
It is practically impossible to completely cut negative people from your life, but there are some steps that you can take to help mitigate the damage that they can do.

When you're constantly surrounded by individuals who would rather see a glass half empty, it can begin to take a toll on even the most optimistic of souls. Over time, this wearing down of your positive exterior can grow and spread -- until you find that you're the one who has a negativity problem!

Fortunately, there are ways that you can reduce the impact that gloomy people have over your life and simply choose happiness.

Identifying Negative People

Some negative people exude a black cloud, while others may be a bit more subtle in their darkness.

The first step towards culling negativity from your life is by identifying those individuals who are causing your life to be less-than-happy. Stay on the lookout for people with these traits:

Constant worrying and fretting, often for no reason
Enjoy secrecy or spreading rumors
Always seem to be stuck in neutral -- no steps forward, nothing outside their comfort zone
Even the most exciting projects receive a "Blah" reaction
Every positive statement contains a "but", turning it right into a negative
Protect Your Time

Have you noticed that some people like to wander from place to place in an office or workplace setting, spreading gloom and doom wherever they go?

They truly seem to enjoy bringing others down to their level of bad attitude. Don't be afraid to block your calendars for 15 or even 5 minutes to recharge and meditate after an interaction with one of these individuals. It will help you reset your mood from down in the dumps to feeling like there's a more positive future on the horizon.

Focus on Your Goals

When you have a laser focus on accomplishing your goals, no one can stand in your way!

Isolate yourself from toxic relationships and find a way to work with people who nourish you mentally by challenging your thoughts in a way that helps you take leaps forward in cognition -- not those who make you want to hide in a corner and nurse your wounds. Few supervisors will notice that you're changing the subject if you take them towards a topic that is close to their heart, especially if you choose one that's going exceptionally well.

Choose to Behave Productively

While you may be stuck in the rut of listening to negativity simply out of a need to be polite, keep in mind that you have a choice.

When someone starts going down that same old road towards negativity, gently let them know that you are focusing on the positive aspects. You appreciate their viewpoint, but you don't feel it is productive. This can be a bit dicey if the individual sharing the negative elements in their life is your superior, but find a way to wrap the conversation back to a positive -- and productive -- bent.

Don't allow these energy vampires to suck the happiness from your life. Combat the negativity by staying relentlessly positive, and always finding a way to compliment others and help them see the brighter side of every situation. When you make these decisions, you are automatically reducing the impact of negativity in your life, and opening up a whole new avenue for happiness. 

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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Magnets Remind Customers You Care

                            Magnets Remind Customers You Care

Keeping your business top of mind for your customers requires creativity and constant reminders that your goods and services are available.

If you've exhausted your ideas, why not try something that's worked great for pizza and fast food restaurants for years? Sheila M., a local car dealership office manager, decided to leverage printed magnets to drive interest in her business.

Focus on Community

Keeping the public's interest when there are lots of other businesses attempting to gain attention as well is difficult, to say the least.

Local car dealerships are always looking for a tactic that will place them above the competition in the view of the public. When you show that you care about your audience, you will subconsciously encourage people who view your marketing and advertising to think about your brand in a positive light. As part of her job as office manager, Sheila received a lot of questions about car seats and found herself often helping new parents understand the specific requirements in her state.

Sheila's Light Bulb Moment

When her sales manager asked Sheila for suggestions on what type of promotional product would be good to help promote their business, she immediately thought about the way so many customers asked her about car seat safety.

She would print off the car seat rules from the internet and send them home with families with young children, and she decided this was a great opportunity to expand that relationship into the community. Sheila visited her local print shop and worked with them to design a refrigerator magnet that included quick tips on car seat safety, such as the legal age for moving from rear-facing car seats to forward-facing car seats. Sheila also included the local number for the Sheriff's department in case parents had any questions. Once she added her car dealership's branding and contact information, she knew she had a winner!

Immediate Results

Passing out these refrigerator magnets in the community had an immediate impact on sales.

Sheila and her sales manager decided to do a wider mailing within their zip code and a few surrounding areas once they realized that the magnets were incredibly well-received. The dealership received calls thanking them for caring about the community, and several new customers came in the first week mentioning the magnets.

When you are ready to promote your business in a way that will resonate with your key audiences, give us a call! We will work closely with you to define the ideal printed items that will support your business goals. For more of our informative blogs go to:

Monday, October 8, 2018

Make a Big Impact with Foldable Printed Mailers

Make a Big Impact with Foldable Printed Mailers

Creating a printed mailer is one of the best ways to get your message across to a wide variety of individuals, but how can you be sure that your message isn't lost among the raft of bills and magazines that tend to litter every mailbox in America?

Creating a unique design is great for a traditional message or a sale. Foldable printed mailers are a fun way to get your creative message out into the marketplace by designing something unexpected that will surprise and delight your audience.

Here are a few ways that you can create wonder and excitement with your next printed promotional mailing.

3D Folded Materials

Are you sending an open house announcement to a select few individuals and including the media?

Influencers such as bloggers and media personalities are a great way to get free promotion for your brand, but these people are also inundated with others who are also trying to recruit them.

An interactive 3D folded mailer can catch the eye of the most jaded recipient, encouraging them to open and play with your delivery. Don't think simply about a tri-fold brochure -- today's 3D mailers can be created in nearly any size, shape or design -- these are limited only by your imagination.

Creating Your Designs

You may already have an idea in mind, but if not, let us work with you to share some of the innovative new designs that are available.

You can start with a concept of what you're trying to accomplish. Perhaps you're launching a new product, introducing a sale on high-end goods and services or opening a new store. These are all ideal opportunities to create buzz and excitement in your audience with new textures, bright colors, and interesting shapes. Sketch out your ideas and see how we can partner with you to bring them to life in full, living three-dimensional color!

Creative Idea Starters

Looking for a creative way to package a sample product?

Three-dimensional folded mailers can be created and frame your product to allow it the impact that you need when the package is opened by your recipient. Nestle a business card or discount card within a mailer, or add an aura of intrigue by requiring the receiver to unwrap the "package" before discovering what is hiding within.

Foldable mailers can be made into the shape of your product, too, so you're essentially creating a 3D replica of your product with paper. Mailers can be printed with foil accents for added luster and shine, printed in single colors, or even printed in full color for a "living" design that will really make an impression.

Box it Up

Boxes in different shapes and sizes are another popular way to print and fold your message. Blank cardboard boxes with included materials are a waste of prime advertising real estate. When you use a box of an unusual shape or size, you intrigue the recipient and encourage them to take the few moments necessary to open the package. Then, the materials you've placed inside have a better chance of catching their eye and causing them to take action!

Foldable printed and three-dimensional mailers can be as simple or as complicated as you need them to be. When you work with us, you'll find the creativity and suggestions that you need to create the perfect promotional vehicle for your message! 

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Friday, October 5, 2018

Why Aesop Would Have Been More Successful Than Bill Gates Today

Why Aesop Would Have Been More Successful Than Bill Gates Today

An ancient Greek storyteller and fabulist, Aesop is thought to have been a slave who eventually acquired his freedom by reciting clever moral fables involving animals with human characteristics.

Insightful and astonishingly original even today, Aesop's fables continue to delight and educate us with their startling observations of human failings and strengths.

We all know who Bill Gates is--only one of the wealthiest people in the world and founder of Microsoft.

Although Gates is the epitome of the successful businessman, Aesop would have given him a run for his money, so to speak. Aesop's keen intuitiveness into the human psyche would have made him the ultimate inspirational and motivational manager or employee. In fact, Gates may have chosen to work for Aesop instead of running his own business!

Check out these three fables from Aesop and how you can apply their moral teachings to your own business:

The Donkey and the Mule

The owner of both a mule and a donkey loaded them with supplies before making a long and arduous journey. When they reached the hilly country, the donkey begged for help by asking the mule to take some of his load. The mule said no. "I'm carrying too much now as it is. You'll just have to deal with it."

Within days, the donkey stumbled from weariness and died. The owner had no choice but to put the donkey's load on the mule's back. Now the mule had to carry double the load he was once carrying.

What was Aesop trying to say with this fable?

When you help others, you are helping yourself.

In a real-world setting, this fable is about teamwork. Although we all have encountered problems when trying to accomplish projects as a team, trying to do something by yourself means you are stuck with only your skill sets, your ideas, and your extremely subjective perception of how satisfactory the project really is. Ultimately, refusing to help others limits your ability to help yourself.

The Cat and the Mice

An extended family of mice needed to develop a good plan to protect themselves from a devious cat. One of the younger mice spoke up and said: "I think we should tie a bell around the cat's neck. That way, we'll know when our enemy, the cat, is coming for us."

An older, wiser mouse asked: "That is a great idea, but who is going to undertake the dangerous task of belling the cat?"

The mice fell silent, realizing this plan would not work.

Moral of this Aesop fable:

Successful ideas are ideas that can be fully implemented.

While it's great to throw around ideas, only realistic, sound, and sustainable ideas are the ones that provide satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, and financial benefits. The next time you are involved in a strategy meeting, remember the importance of challenging everybody, but keep in mind Aesop's catalyst for true achievements: can anybody bell the cat?

The Lion and the Oxen

A lion took to prowling a field where several oxen were grazing. The lion tried to attack the oxen many times but they always positioned themselves in a way that protected their vulnerable bodies. They met the lion with their horns instead of their tails. Eventually, the oxen started fighting with each other and went to separate areas of the field. Without the protection of their fellow oxen, each ox died a horrible death as the lion attacked them one by one.

Try this one on your own. How could you apply the moral of this story to your own business?

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Monday, October 1, 2018

Get Noticed with Custom Door Hangar's

                  Get Noticed with Custom Door Hangers

Door Hangers are a tried and true way to reach customers the old fashion way. Hanging company information where it can't be missed on the door of a potential customers door. This is an ideal way for local businesses to build brand awareness. Popular industries using door hangers real estate sales representatives, mortgage company sales representatives, small business owners, and restaurant owners. The Print Cafe of LI offers the following door hanger sizes; 4.25 x 11, 4.25 x 14, 4 x 7, and 3.5 x 8.5 and custom sizes are also available. There are also sizes with a tear off business card option at the bottom of the hanger. All door hangers are printed on premium 14pt or 16pt stock, with a variety of coatings. We offer ful color print on 1 or 2 sides, and have a full design department to help you get your message across. The Print Cafe of LI also offers door to door distribution.  For more information on this product go to:


Friday, September 28, 2018

5 Ways to Skillfully Handle Criticism With a Smile Instead of a Frown

5 Ways to Skillfully Handle Criticism With a Smile Instead of a Frown

"This work is sloppy and does not meet the needs of the company. You'll have to completely rework it."

"Is this all you've gotten done for today? You're going to have to step up your pace."

"Why didn't you follow the instructions I gave you? This is terrible work."

"I liked your old hairstyle better."

Criticism, no matter how delicately someone gives it to you, hurts.

Being criticized makes us feel worthless, painfully vulnerable to our own negative thoughts and unsure of our abilities. Some inexperienced managers think criticizing their employees will incentivize them to work faster and harder but, of course, we know this tactic is the absolutely wrong way to motivate employees.

Scientists speculate there is something instinctual, or innate, about our adverse reaction to even mild criticism. Just like the human body is hard-wired to instantly move into a "fight or flight" state when confronted by danger, our psychological self (psyche) reacts to criticism defensively. In other words, being physically struck closely parallels being verbally "struck." Our heart and breathing rate increases and we may start perspiring as our internal temperature rises. Depending on the type and level of criticism we hear about ourselves, some people tremble, feel extremely anxious, and may even start crying.

How to Give Criticism Positively

Before you criticize a family member, friend or fellow worker, stop and think about how you could rephrase what you are going to say to sound more like constructive criticism.

Examples of constructive criticism include:

(When someone fails to complete a project on time): Next time we have a project to work on, we'll make sure there are enough resources and time for you to finish it as planned. In fact, perhaps we can schedule the project in advance so you are not inundated with work?
(When someone has been "slacking" in their work): You've done a great job reaching several goals lately. Nobody can achieve every goal they set for themselves so don't let this affect your sense of accomplishment. Maybe your goals are a little too aggressive?
(When someone isn't contributing to a group effort): I've noticed you haven't wanted to take an initiative lately. I would really like to see you take a leadership position because I think you have the talent and skills to be successful.

5 Ways to Handle Criticism Positively

1. Objectify Yourself

As soon as you realize you are being criticized unconstructively, step away from your emotions by imagining yourself as a life-size cardboard cutout.

Wait until the person criticizing you leaves before allowing yourself to think about what they said. Consider who criticized, what they criticized you about, and whether it was actually warranted. Remember that people who are criticized are usually doing something new, different, and possibly daring.

2. Don't Cross Your Arms

Adopting a defensive posture may provoke the criticizer into extending their critique of you.

Simply stand with your arms at your sides, nod, and show that you are listening.

3. Learn from Criticism

Is there a grain of truth in the criticism you received?

Don't let strong emotions cloud your ability to judge truths about yourself. Many of us say or do things that are not in our best interest but fail to realize our error.

4. Get Feedback from a Friend
Tell a trusted friend about the criticism you received.

Getting another opinion can help mitigate the negative feelings you experience from a criticism.

5. You Control Your Emotions and Thoughts

Nobody is in control of what you think or feel.

The way you think and feel about criticism is all up to you, not the person who criticized you.

"Criticism is something you can avoid by saying nothing,
being nothing, and doing nothing."

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