Print Cafe of LI, Inc

Print Cafe of LI, Inc

Thursday, February 16, 2023

5 Ways to Use Personalization 

in Print Marketing to Get Noticed 

by Your Customers

Using print marketing is a great way to get your company’s name out there and let customers know what services you offer.

But what if there was a way to increase the effectiveness of your printed ads, creating a better experience for your existing customers and drawing in new ones?

According to a study by Accenture, 91% of customers are more likely to purchase from companies who recognize and remember them, providing them with relevant offers or recommendations. 

Here are five easy ways to add personalization to your print marketing plan!

5 Ways to Personalize Your Company’s Print Marketing

1. Use Variable Data Printing

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) databases are an easy way for your company to accumulate and sort information about your customers.

Then, to use the data that your CRM has gathered and incorporate it into your print marketing, use Variable Data Printing (VDP) to create a variety of personalized print ads that will better suit the customers to whom you’re sending them. VDP uses more than just the customer’s name: it can also alter your ad’s layout, images, and promotions shown.

Using VDP for print ads results in 3-10 times higher response rates than non-personalized direct mail.

2. Use QR Codes on Your Print Marketing

QR codes are a modern and easy way to quickly send interested customers from your printed materials to your company’s website or social media accounts.

QR codes have many different capabilities, but one of the best ways you can use them to create personalized experiences for your customers is by tracking the links they clicked after the QR code has been scanned. Then you can use that information to determine which services or products are most attractive to your customers and personalize your advertising.

3. Respond to Constructive Feedback

Some customers can find some targeted marketing methods to be invasive or unhelpful.

However, research has shown that 45% of customers appreciate one kind of personalization: personal apologies from companies after negative experiences in-store or online.

So if customers leave a dissatisfied review or experience difficulties while shopping in your store, take note of their information and send them a letter apologizing for the inconvenience. They will appreciate your efforts to make things right with them and will be more likely to purchase from your company again!

4. Personalized Print Inserts

Although completely customized catalogs might be the most personalized route you can take with your direct mail, compiling a unique catalog for each customer would be quite cost prohibitive.

An alternative is to use VDP or another method to create customized inserts for your mail.

You could also consider including customized coupons to draw customers to your store by offering discounts on the products they’d likely be interested in.

5. Choose Personalized Images

Visuals are essential- they catch your customers’ attention and can determine whether or not they open your mail.

Focusing your personalization on the images in your print marketing could have a significant impact. Using the data you’ve gathered about a customer’s demographic, include images that cater to their preferences and interests.

Personalization is the strategy to push your company’s print marketing the extra mile- engaging your customers and standing out from others in your field. Contact us today to get personal on your next print marketing campaign! Call Now at: 516-561-1468 or Visit Our Website


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

8 Common Design Mistakes 

To Avoid in Print Marketing

There is much room for creativity in graphic design for print marketing. 

However, if you aren't a graphic designer, there are some definite no-nos you want to avoid in order to create a visually compelling design.

Here are a few to keep in mind.

8 Common Design Mistakes To Avoid in Print Marketing

1. Centering Everything 

A beginner design mistake is to center everything: Large chunks of text and more.

This approach makes it harder to read because the left and right margins are ragged.

2. Imbalanced Elements

Balance is one of the fundamental principles of design.

It refers to how elements are distributed throughout a layout, providing a sense of order and stability.But too much symmetry can get boring so try adding asymmetry to create visual interest. 

3. Not Leaving White Space 

Make sure you don't pack everything into your design.

You may have great design ideas, but you don't need to use them all in one place. Instead, save some for future projects.

4. Inconsistent Branding 

Whether it's fonts, colors, or images, make sure you're consistent. 

Keep it similar throughout the piece and with your other branded materials, whether using specific colors or designs. Don't use random fonts, thinking it will make it more interesting. This practice helps tie your design into one visually appealing look

5. No Repetition

If you don't repeat a few visual elements throughout your projects — for instance, specific colors, layouts, or spatial relationships — your design could lack continuity, and your reader can't "tie it all together." 

6. Improper Use of Colors 

Understanding color theory and psychology can help you use colors at their optimal best. 

Colors can set the tone, mood, and style of your design. Don't go crazy picking various colors; be consistent with them and keep the colors in the same family.

7. Not Enough Space Between Letters

You will want to ensure the spacing of your letters is just right, not too close or far away. 

This process is known as kerning to graphic designers, and it ensures each character fits well with its neighboring letters.

When you are designing marketing materials, you have so many creative options. These tips will help guide you through the process.

When it's time to print your project, please remember us. We're here to help guide you, answer your questions, and publish your project in the best light possible. Contact us today! Call 516-561-1468 or Visit Our Website at:


Thursday, February 9, 2023

7 Top Tips to Get Creative 

With Offline Marketing

How do you maximize your investment in marketing? 

Utilize unique offline marketing techniques to get people's attention!

There are countless ideas for getting inspired with offline marketing, from traditional to off-the-wall. Take what you can and let it spur some creativity in your minds. 

1. Get Creative With Your Business Card 

A business card is often the first impression, and you want to make it last.

Try printing it vertically, adding rounded corners, or creating a die-cut image. Use bold colors that stand out against the competition.

2. Hold In-Person Events 

According to the Event Marketing 2018 Report, 95% of marketers agree that live events give attendees a valuable opportunity to form in-person connections in an increasingly digital world.

Give people a chance to talk to you and others from your company, and create bonds that will last a lifetime. 

Don't forget to have flyers, rack cards, brochures, and business cards ready for them to pick up.  

3. Volunteer 

Join volunteer organizations that will introduce you to other professionals who desire to help the community.

By getting out in the community, you will get your name out and help you build connections. Bring along your business cards so you can have some conversations about where you work and get information on others. 

4. Build Loyalty With Rewards

While investing in attracting new customers, don't neglect opportunities for retaining existing ones.

Give away fun gifts with your logo: magnets, flashlights, Frisbees, T-shirts, mugs, water bottles, and more. These will keep the magic going after the sales call is over. 

5. Create a Game

Use a tailor-made BINGO card that leads them around the store, then leads to a prize if they get BINGO.

Have signs to advertise your newest game. Invite everyone to play and win prizes. 

6. Go Head-To-Head With the Competition

Don't be afraid to promote your items over the competition.

If it makes sense, have a "taste test" as Coke and Pepsi did in the 1980s. Let the audience decide what items they like better. 

Be sure to have flyers made up to announce this event to let people know when it will be.

7. Take On Speaking Engagements 

Speaking at events puts you in front of your target audience and makes you an expert.

A speaking engagement puts you in front of a highly targeted and interested audience already primed and ready to pay attention to what you have to say.

It creates you as the go-to person for answers, which is a great position.

Take time to evaluate the best creative way to reach your customers. We all have an overflowing inbox. Instead, try something fresh and offline to capture your customer's attention. 

When you want to make a statement offline, try some freshly printed marketing materials. That's where we step in! 

We have what you need to make some fresh imprints on your customers. Contact us today!

Call 516-561-1468 or Visit Our Website at:

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

7 Top Ways to Show Appreciation 

to Customers

Gratitude is a great skill to possess.

"I think gratitude is a big thing. It puts you in a place where you're humble," said Andra Day. 

And humility is a wonderful attribute, primarily when serving the public. When you meet up with prospective clients, gratitude is vital. We receive a much better welcome when people see how thankful we are to meet with them and to have their continued support. 

Research has proven that returning customers spend 67% more than new customers, and 82% of customers are brand loyal. 

So, what else can you do to show appreciation besides saying thank you?  

Here are some ideas to show your gratitude.

 7 Top Ways to Show Appreciation to Customers

1. Send a Thank-You Note

Send a thank-you note in a letter, hand-written and signed by you.

Sure, it takes a little time, but keeping current customers happy is worth it—especially the ones you genuinely want to maintain a relationship with.

2. Make a Donation

Donate to something close to your customers' hearts.

If they support a worthy cause you can get behind, consider donating something to these causes in their name. 

3. Offer a Discount

Offer a discount just for them.

One of the easiest ways to build customer loyalty is by rewarding your customers for their business with loyalty cards and retail rewards.

4. Do a Giveaway

Offer a giveaway prize package.

Want to share the love and give out prizes to your fans? Running a giveaway is a great way to show your appreciation. This will excite customers, and they might even tell their friends and colleagues. 

5. Offer Free Services

Offer more free services if possible.

When people began to feel the impact of the coronavirus and social distancing, some companies went above and beyond to help people adjust to a challenging new reality.

Some companies offered free services or better deals on their products. When there is a stressor in your customers' lives, help out a little more. People notice it and will appreciate your help.

6. Talk Face-To-Face

Engage in face-to-face conversations with your clients.

Ultimately, people want to be seen and heard. Engaging with them in a conversation over video chat or, better yet, in person is a perfect way to thank them for supporting your company daily.

Listen to them rather than just pitching your ideas. Ask about their business and learn how you can genuinely help each other.

7. Acknowledge Them on Social Media

Feature customers on your blog or social media.

If they had a big event that you were able to be a part of, or help with in some way, show it. Portray pictures of the big day with words from them as to how the day went.

This is great to help celebrate their day. It's also great to get the word out about how you help people.

Whatever you choose to show appreciation will elevate your customer relationship and nurture long-lasting bonds. If you need help printing stationary or customized packaging, let us know. We would love to help! Call us At 516-561-1468 or Visit Our Website


Friday, February 3, 2023

7 Special Day-Themed Direct Mail 

Campaign Ideas 

for Winter and Spring

Research shows customers are more likely to buy when you get creative with ‘special’ day-themed promotions.

Winter and spring are full of international and national holidays, like the seven detailed below, providing plenty of room and creativity for direct mail campaigns. 

7 Special Day-Themed Direct Mail Campaign Ideas for Winter and Spring

1. Black History Month: February 

Black History Month is intended to celebrate the achievements of African Americans in the history of the United States. 

Do some research to find influential Black figures who shaped your business. Share their hard work and contributions in a flier or brochure. 

2. Valentine’s Day: February 14

A day meant for romance, with romantic partners sharing their appreciation for each other with gifts.

Many also use this day to share their love and appreciation for their friends. 

Remind your customers about the upcoming holiday and suggest gifts to make a partner’s day. Recipients will be grateful you reminded them and provided them with a quick, easy gift idea.  

3. Pi Day: March 14

3.14 are the first digits of Pi, which is why it is celebrated on March 14. 

A day for both mathematicians and pie lovers, Pi Day is the time for mathematicians to recite the endless digits of Pi, which is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.

Show your business’s appreciation for Pi and pie by sending direct mail to customers on this special day. If your company sells pie, even better. If not, perhaps share products or services your business provides that could make Pi Day all the more special. 

4. Saint Patrick’s Day:  March 17

This day originally commemorated St. Patrick with religious services and feasts; today, it is mainly a secular holiday meant to celebrate all things Irish. 

Get ready to send out lots of green: green paper that advertises everything you sell that is green. If your business has any Irish roots, now’s the time to share that information. 

5. Easter: April 9

Easter was initially meant for Christians to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

Today, many traditions surround the holiday, and religious and non-religious people celebrate it. 

Try sending out mail with easter eggs and bunny imagery. On the back of easter egg-shaped cutouts, provide coupons or vouchers for free samples. If you have easter themed products, be sure to advertise them. 

6. Star Wars Day: May 4

Star Wars lovers can be pretty enthusiastic. The day comes from a play on words: “May the fourth be with you.” 

Celebrate Star Wars Day with your customers by sending Star Wars-themed direct mail and sharing any Star Wars-related products or services. 

7. Mother’s Day: May 14

Mother’s day is a lovely holiday meant to celebrate and show appreciation for mothers. 

Have your business show its appreciation for mothers by sending out a mother’s day card with free samples and coupons. Help make mothers feel special. 

With hundreds of holidays, some more well-known than others, your business has plenty of opportunities to create special day-themed direct mail.

Check out a more exhaustive list of holidays to find one that would be the perfect fit for your business. Contact us today to get started on your next spring or winter campaign! Call 516-561-1468 or Visit Our Website at:


Thursday, February 2, 2023

9 Solid Ways to Combine Digital 

and Print to Boost Your Campaign

Contrary to popular opinion, print is not dead, and it remains an integral part of marketing and advertising. 

Today, you can't rely solely on digital ads to increase customer traffic. Likewise, you can't just rely on old-school advertising to do the job.

Writing words on paper is tactile and fun to hold. It also creates a feeling of value that a pop-up ad can't do. Paper is something that has to be reckoned with. You can't just turn a blind eye. You have to physically throw it away--after reading it. 

Once it's your customers' hands, you have the advantage of grasping their attention. Be forthcoming about what you are selling or trying to call their attention to.

Using high-quality paper and fine print can give the impression of prestige and quality, and with the physical item in your hands, it is way more engaging for readers than an email or a pop-up.

Digital helps expand on the conversation you started with the customer. It allows for more information to be shared, and it's interactive in that the customer can click for more information on your website.

So, if you take the best aspects of each marketing tool, you will see the difference compared to running a solely digital or print campaign.

9 Solid Ways to Combine Digital and Print to Boost Your Campaign

1. QR Code

Use a QR code to link to your digital platform.

This is a quick and easy way to get the most out of your advertising.

2. Include Your Web Address

Add your website to the printed pieces.

This way, the customer instantly knows how to get more information or contact you. You can even create a specific landing page for the campaign.

3. Exclusive content

Advertise exclusive content within your print pieces to gain new followers on a specific social platform.

4. Social Media

Use your social media to obtain customer information so you can send on-target materials to them.

5. Giveaway

Advertise a giveaway on your printed piece and include a QR code or URL that takes the consumer to a page where they can redeem the gift.

6. Colors

When combining print and digital efforts, give them a cohesive look by using the same colors and fonts.

7. Campaign Tracking

Add a UTM or Urchin Tracking Module to the web address or QR code that you put on your print campaign.

A UTM is a simple text code that can be added to any URL or webpage to generate Google Analytics data.

8. Hashtags

Printing specific hashtags on materials is yet another way to funnel all marketing channels toward a single campaign

Indiana University used this approach with newly-admitted college students by including the hashtag #IUSaidYes on their acceptance letter packages.

9. Augmented Reality

Use an augmented reality code in your print advertising to stand out more.

This high-tech tactic tracks the results through the code and can also boost your online presence. These two together are unstoppable.

When it comes to marketing, combining digital and print will help boost your campaign and reach the right audience. 

When it comes to print marketing, we are here to help your marketing dollars go further! Contact us today. Call 516-561-1468 or Visit Our Website


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

7 Things You Need for 

Your Real Estate Yard Sign

Branding Technology may have given several advanced methods for marketing. However, when it comes to real estate, yard signs are the most popular and simplest choice for marketing. Real estate agents love them for the fact that they always work. Whether you want to sell a house, rent it out or organize an open house, real estate agents use yard signs for all these purposes. 

Whether you have an established business or are a new agent, it is essential to include your brand in your marketing collateral. Whether you are using decals or banners, always add the name and logo of your business.

If you are a reputed business, seeing your familiar logo will automatically attract the crowd. By implementing and using a singular logo/name for your business, buyers will know a specific property is a part of your business instead of a random landlord. Adding your logo to the yard signs is a simple yet effective way to establish yourself as a trusted real estate agent.

Experiment With Shapes

Do you want your yard signs to stand out from others in the neighborhood? Look for a shape different from the usual rectangular ones. For instance, you can get a new design by simply turning your sign by 45 degrees. You will get a diamond shape that will instantly attract the attention of the drivers passing by. If you don’t like that idea, maybe choose a circular or oval shape instead.

Remember to select a shape that can contain all the information you wish you display. You do not want to make your email id run into the following line. Ask the vendor to give you different digital options to give you an idea of how it will look. This can help you make an informed decision on how you want your sign designed.

Modern Designs

When someone thinks of a yard sign for real estate deals, the image of a smiling agent clad in a blazer comes to mind. However, you do not have to stick to this idea. You can design a graphic to go in the place of the standard agent photo. To stand out, get creative and have fun with it.

Instead of using the traditional designs, you can choose a bright or minimalistic layout. Include your logo with easy to read yet stylized text. You can easily create a template on Canva or any other similar tool. 


Most real estate yard signs only have text on them. You can go the extra mile and add pictures to yours. For example, you could have an image of one of your agents shaking hands with a client on your sign. There are no set-in-stone rules when it comes to marketing. The more unique you are, the more memorable you will be.

You can include a picture of the interior of a house to let the sign speak for itself. Potential customers can never make out how a property looks from the inside. Including a picture on the yard sign will give them a glimpse of the house and pique their interest.

Commercial Signs

If you are selling a commercial property or land, the usual yard signs may not work for your marketing. The standard size, which is about 24 inches, may look very small on a massive piece of land. Instead, try to customize the size to a much larger one to justify the size of the land.

Large signs will also have more visibility, considering the property’s sheer size may be overpowering. So consider getting a larger banner or flag to place on the property. Have it facing the road or sidewalk, that way people passing by will be more likely to read it.


Technology can be your biggest ally when used wisely. Instead of classic yard signs, try to make them high-tech for maximum ROI. The easiest thing you can do is add a QR code to access the information about the property. With these QR codes, you will also be able to maintain an automatic log of interested buyers.

Another option is to use LED lights instead of clamp-on lights, which look high-tech and welcoming. Not to mention, the lights will make the sign visible in places with low-light or at night time.

Open House Signs

When you are organizing an open house, it is essential to have a separate sign. You may think you will be inviting nosy neighbors this way, but the more the merrier. Interested buyers are uncomfortable walking into an unknown property alone. An open house allows them to walk in confidently and explore the possibility of buying the house.

You can either use banners or a classic yard sign for an open house. You can go minimalistic, have an elegant monochrome color scheme, or even use your team picture on the open house sign. Just make sure it stands out from your usual yard sign to advertise that it is an open house.


Even in this age of social media and television commercials, yard signs are the best choice for real estate agents. The advantage of using yard signs is that they are long-lasting and you can use them for all your deals. By incorporating these marketing methods, you can grab the attention of your potential customers while standing out from the competition.

For More Information on Any of Our Sign Products Call: 516-561-1468 or Visit Our Website at: