Print Cafe of LI, Inc

Print Cafe of LI, Inc

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

7 Reasons to Use Print

You might think of Twitter, Facebook, and email when you think of marketing.

But did you know print is still a popular marketing strategy? That’s right. It’s tried and true, and it’s so much more personal than clicking a variety of non-personal ads.

The Global Commercial Printing Market projects the commercial printing market to grow over the next five years, which means people will use this valuable marketing method even more.

The organization predicts that 72% of corporations will use direct mail campaigns.

Such marketing efforts are relatively inexpensive and are a proven strategy for companies to keep their image and services in the public eye.

As a result, direct marketing is expected to continue its upward trend.

7 Reasons to Use Print as Opposed to Just Online.

1. It’s the most trustworthy.

Approximately 56% of customers find print marketing the most trustworthy type. In addition, direct mail response rates are 37% higher than email.

2. Be environmentally friendly.

There are environmentally-friendly ways to print, reducing the guilt with the printed word. For example, try using environment-friendly vegetable inks because they are made from vegetable oils.

And as far as trees go, only 17% of cut forest trees are used by the paper industry, which means the trees are fine. 

There are 20% more trees now in the United States than 40 years ago.

3. Think non-traditional printing.

There are basketball floors, signs, flyers, banners, and other types of print that help your business succeed in ways that online can’t match. 

4. Think outside-the-box printing. 

Right now, there are many ways to promote your business, and one of those is with a subscription box offering goodies to your clients on a monthly subscription-based business. 

5. Get your printing quicker. 

The options are endless. Printers can use many ways to print your marketing materials that will take much less time than before.

6. People love to be tactile. 

Having something to hold in your hands helps promote businesses. Try using oversize postcards and updated brochures more in your approach to advertising. Cross-promote with other companies, so you are supporting each other.

7. There is easy personalization. 

There are many ways to personalize your marketing using lists and data that offer information on specific people, where they live, what they do for a living, and the likelihood of buying from a printed piece.

Approximately 70% of Americans say mail is more personal than the internet. When you send out direct mail, you will get a better response than online marketing options.

People appreciate the extra care that goes along with a printed piece.

No matter why you choose to do printed marketing pieces, you know they are practical and have been proven to get results. Hone your advertising today with high-quality printing! Call the Print Cafe of LI, Inc at 516-561-1468 or Visit Our Website



Thursday, June 30, 2022

10 Ways Print Marketing 

Earns Repeat Customers

Loyal customers are extremely valuable.

A 2% increase in customer retention has the same effect profit-wise as cutting costs by 10%, according to the book Leading on the Edge of Chaos.  Below are 10 ways print marketing can help you earn repeat customers.  

1. Print builds trust; trust builds loyalty.

Print is one of the most trusted advertising methods out there. 

82% of consumers trust print ads the most when making a purchase decision. Customers who trust a business are more loyal to it, leading to greater revenue and business growth. 

2. Loyalty programs … create loyalty. 

Loyalty programs do just as they’re intended: they build loyalty! 

Start a loyalty program by printing loyalty cards. This helps both your customers and your business keep track of points. Loyalty programs will turn the buying experience into a positive one for customers. They will feel like they are doing something good because each purchase gets them closer to the end reward. For example, every $100 spent equals 10% off their next purchase. 

3. Personalization builds loyalty.

Print adds that personal touch that can be lost in the digital world. 

Try sending out birthday cards to remember your customer’s big day. Or send out thank you cards to let the customer know you appreciate their purchase and support. A grateful company that remembers its customers’ birthdays will earn loyal customers. 

4. Direct mail campaigns foster loyalty.

Direct mail campaigns remind customers about your business. 

Try collecting the names and contact information of every customer who walks through your door. Then reach out to them through direct mail campaigns. Even the most loyal customers get busy and forget to stop by. Send them a friendly reminder! 

5. Promotional products build loyalty.

Promotional products keep your business at the forefront of your customers’ minds. 

The most loyal customers are the ones that are most often thinking about your business. By sharing practical gifts, such as pens, calendars, t-shirts, lanyards, key chains, and toys, customers will remember your company every time they frequently use the promotional product. 

6. Customer feedback creates loyalty.

Customers love to know their feedback is taken seriously. 

Jumpstart customer feedback by sending out surveys in the mail. Even better, respond to their feedback and let them know how you incorporated it into your business plan. This will make the customer feel valued while also providing constructive ways to improve your business. A valued customer is a loyal customer. 

7. A positive first impression produces loyalty.

Drawing in loyal customers starts at the very beginning: the first impression.

What better first impression than with print? It shows the customer you are a quality, trustworthy business that cares about its customers. 

8. Exclusive invitations generate loyalty. 

Host special events for your loyal customers and invite them through custom invitations. 

Holding special events for your customers will make them feel appreciated. They’ll want to support a business that appreciates them. 

9. Inserts foster loyalty. 

Put inserts inside of packages being shipped and customer bags. 

Include upcoming sales or special coupons within these inserts. This will keep your business on the customer’s mind. Loyal customers are the ones who remember you. Help them out!

10. Booklets build loyalty. 

Print informative booklets just for your customers. 

The fact that you took the time and effort to create booklets will appeal to any customer. They’ll want to remain loyal to the business that provides them with their favorite reading. 

Loyal customers are the best customers. Print can help you attract more loyal customers. 

Hone your advertising today with high-quality printing! Call the Print Cafe of LI, Inc at 516-561-1468 or Visit Our Website

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

10 Direct Mail Myths Debunked

Myths can sidetrack your marketing efforts and keep you spinning your wheels. Be on the lookout for these common misconceptions regarding direct mail.

Direct Mail Myths Debunked

1. Direct Mail is Dead.

Direct mail is still a driving force behind a successful business.

As more companies look to online communication, you have a better chance of standing out in the mailbox. In addition, direct mail paves the way for the recipient to fully engage with your content on their schedule instead of being a quick (and annoying) interruption to their day.

2. Online Ads Are Better than Direct Mail.

Online ads indeed help businesses succeed, but what is also true is that direct mail helps drive traffic to your online site. Without direct mail, people tend to click away. Direct mail is permanent and begs for attention in the palm of your hand.

3. You Can’t Target the Right People with Direct Mail.

It is even easier to target the right customers with the new lists and technology. You can decide what ages you want to reach, the location of homes, gender, household income, and even if they typically respond to direct mail.

4. You Can’t Track Direct Mail.

You can track direct mail in a variety of ways.

One way is to have a designated email or phone line that only goes to that direct mail campaign. Or, offer a specific coupon or coupon code that corresponds with your campaign. You can even get personal with personalized URLs or PURLs that provide a unique web address for each recipient’s direct mail piece.

5. There Isn’t Enough Room to Tell Your Story in Direct Mail.

The great thing is that you can work together with your online presence by including a QR code, a website, or an email.

You can get your main point across in your direct mail piece and then continue to tell the whole story online. Or you can use a beautifully designed brochure that offers more room for print. Not only that, but people can hang onto it much longer, and they can easily pass it to a friend.

6. Email is More Effective than Direct Mail.

Did you know that 80% of direct mail recipients take immediate action on the mail they receive versus 45% of email recipients? Those statistics are powerful when evaluating the efficacy of direct mail.

7. Young People Don’t Respond to Direct Mail.

Studies have shown that 95% of 18- to 29-year-olds respond positively to direct mail. That’s a great way to reach those used to being bombarded by online ads.

8. Direct Mail is Forgettable.

Direct mail yields a 70% higher recall rate than other advertising, showing how memorable this is for customers.

The fact that they need to tangibly hold the item before tossing it shows that the message sticks in their heads easier than just clicking away.

9. I Only Need to Advertise Online.

You need both digital marketing and direct mail.

According to IWCO Direct, cross-channel marketing can increase your response rates by 35%. The important thing is that it works together to serve your purpose: increased sales.

10. Email Marketing Works Better Than Direct Mail.

Forbes states that direct mail achieves a 4.4% response rate, compared to 0.12% for email, proving that direct mail is essential in your marketing efforts.

If you need a boost in your direct mail efforts, we are here to help. We will produce gorgeous marketing materials that will be noticed and remembered. Check out our website today!

 Hone your advertising today with high-quality printing! Call the Print Cafe of LI, Inc at 516-561-1468 or Visit Our Website


Thursday, June 23, 2022

Bleed and Crop Marks: 

What Do They Mean For You?

If you have worked with a printing firm, you have probably heard the words “bleeds” and “crop marks” come up before. But what does that actually mean to you, the print buyer?

What are Crop Marks?

Crop marks tell the printer where to cut the paper, especially if it’s a finished product, such as a business card or postcard. But there are crop marks on pages for a booklet as well sometimes.

If you look at a proof of your project, you will probably see these tiny lines that go horizontally and vertically, giving the margins for your project to be cut down. All crop marks in the USA should be either one-eighth or one-quarter inch. Since projects are printed on oversized paper with bleeds, these tick marks help guide printers when trimming the print job down to the final size.

What is a Bleed?

A bleed is when the color or text goes off of the page, and the cut will trim excess color off of it.

A bleed makes for a complete look as the artwork typically goes (or “bleeds”) off the page. There are two types of bleeds: full bleed and partial bleed. A full bleed is when all the artwork goes off the page, whereas a partial bleed is when only some of the artwork goes off the edge.

How to Use Crop Marks and Bleed Marks

These two tools ensure that you get a quality printed product containing all the words and artwork you desire. To have your project print-ready, you need to use crop marks so that bleeds can be done correctly.

When you save your project, you will want to use a PDF so that it remains permanent and the crop marks are solidified. This ensures your project will come out as you planned.

A PDF document contains embedded fonts, so the printer won’t have issues with what you laid out. One of the most common issues related to printing is fonts that are contained within the document.

For example, they might be incompatible versions, corrupted fonts, or missing fonts. Font issues tend to occur when using programs such as Illustrator or Adobe InDesign. A PDF eliminates these types of issues because all your design elements are embedded within the file.

No matter what your project is, we are here to help. If you aren’t sure how to create a PDF, let us help you. We want to partner with you to get successful print project results. Visit our website to learn more! At


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Creating a Successful Experience 

for Your Remote Team

According to a recent global study by Logitech, more than 43% of employees are expected to work from home part or full time. Certainly, hybrid work environments are here to stay. And with the increase in remote workers, a smart balance of collaboration is critical. So, what does that look like?

7 Tips for Creating Successful Remote Teams

1. Space

Remote workers will need a comfortable space at home to work in, so you may need to budget for a new desk and chair for their homes and/or be clear in your expectations of what you provide and what the employee will be responsible for.

2. Workflow

You will need to make sure you are using efficient workflow and task management tools so that everyone is on the same page.

For example, you could use Workzone, Trello, Jira, or others just as effective. Then everyone will know when things are due and when someone is done with a project.

3. Daily Communication

Include remote workers in your daily communication.

They might feel isolated and alone if they are used to the banter and camaraderie of the office. Make sure you keep the lines of communication open so they can ask questions, provide information, and be a part of planning for different events and projects.

4. Time

Ensure employees know when their start and stop times are so that they don’t go over their allotted time, costing you money if they are paid by the hour.

Not only that, but you don’t want your employees to get burned out. Most people say this is the hardest part of working at home--knowing when to quit for the day. Many people forget the time and focus on their projects.

5. Structure

Structure is a critical step in making remote work successful.

Although working at home is more flexible, things can go array without structure. You will need to have standards and specific goals for remote workers, so they know what is expected of them. If you expect them to work 9 to 5, make sure they know that. Otherwise, they may think it’s okay to start at noon as long as they get their hours in.

6. IT Safety

Recently, the US Secret Service issued an alert warning of fraudulent emails related to Covid-19 that contain malicious attachments.

This is a good reminder to practice the same standard of privacy and protection of information no matter where your team is working.

7. Internet Usage

Remember that while employees are working at home, their spouses and children might also be using the Internet.

This means they may have a slower connection and might need to be taught how to best deal with this. Consider setting up additional connections for employees or advising them on connecting and disconnecting various devices when not in use.

We can all agree that remote working is here to stay for many people, and for others, we never know what the future holds. With that said, it’s nice to know we are here for each other. Our printing firm is here to take the weight off your shoulders when it comes to professional printing. We are your partner when it comes to printing high-quality designs and styles.
 Hone your advertising today with high-quality printing! Call the Print Cafe of LI, Inc at 516-561-1468 or Visit Our Website at:


 7 Top Design Decisions Direct Marketing

 and Web Designers Share

You might think that web design is entirely different from direct mail marketing.

But there are many things web and offline print marketing designers can learn from one another.

7 Top Design Decisions Direct Marketing and Web Designers Share

1. Create a compelling message.

According to David Ogilvy, five times more people read the headline than the body copy. It’s essential to use a powerful, bold headline telling your story and describing your offer or service.

2. Be clear and concise.

Avoid jargon in the body text or on the webpage. Remember that being transparent and avoiding jargon doesn’t necessarily mean talking down to your audience. 

Be sure that the product or service is appropriate and compelling to your target audience.

3. Utilize data.

In the world of marketing, and mainly B2B marketing, the correct use of data can be transformative.

Understand who is in your audience – what are the demographics of the new homeowners? This information may influence your design.

4. Branding, branding, branding.

A brand is more than just a logo on your direct mail piece or website.

It involves your online experience, your retail or workplace environment, the tone of your copy, and everything that relates to the “personality” of your business.

Use your logo consistently on every online and offline component you create.

5. Focus on fonts

Typography plays a crucial role in the success of a new design.

Use a strong sans-serif font like the Helvetica or Frutiger families for your headlines and a softer serif font like Times, Goudy, or Palatino for your body text.

It’s best not to mix two sans serif typefaces, or two serif faces on one piece. Go for the contrast between sans serif and serif.

6. Make a unique masthead.

The designs that work or catch your eye will have a point of difference by instantly communicating their tone and mood from their masthead, cover line typography, and image choices.

7. Follow a style guide

Comprehensive style guides define the company image from a visual and editorial perspective to ensure a unified brand. Style guides define the company image from a visual and editorial perspective to ensure a unified brand.

Make sure you have a style guide to keep things consistent.

Great design, especially for direct mail marketing pieces, can put you ahead of your competition and in front of new customers.  

We’re here to help you get there. Check us out today! Call 516-561-1468 or FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF OUR MARKETING PRODUCTS GO TO:

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Direct Mail is Not Failing. Here's Why.


Direct mail is king in advertising.

It’s direct, in your hands, and grabs attention right away. There’s no cold calling, knocking on doors, or guessing if your direct mail made into your customers’ hands.

In a 2020 consumer survey, 71% of people reported reading the ads that come in the mail. And 54% say that direct mail ads motivated them to try a new business.

The Direct Mail Comeback

Postcards are an excellent example of direct mail that has made a comeback in the last few years due to the pandemic leaving people at home more.

Not leaving their homes meant people weren’t out searching for a better deal. Instead, they were at home, opening their mail and seeing great offers sent directly to them. Consumers learned that direct mail is a great starting point for their shopping.

The Personal Touch of Direct Mail

Direct mail has the advantage of personalization by putting the recipient’s name on it.

This connection is better than a TV commercial or online ad because readers know the offer is intended directly for them. Right now, there are programs designed to target just the right market so that your return on investment is spot on. You can pick people of the correct ages and genders for your product and tailor it to people who typically respond well to postcards and other direct mail.

During the pandemic, consumers were directed with QR codes to download menus everywhere. And when you add QR codes to direct mail, it adds a little more social interaction with the mail. It gets people to take the next step and download your information, and it works wonders.

The Rise of Digital Fatigue

Digital fatigue is real and prevalent.

In fact, 75% of consumers report being overwhelmed by the number of digital ads they see daily. This is good news for direct mail marketing because it won’t tire out the consumer with ads blinking in front of their faces. Instead, it presents a calm way to ask for their business.

Direct mail has a median ROI rate of 29%, which is only 1% behind social media. It’s proof that direct mail is still in the running, according to Neil Patel. “Like hot baths and candlelit dinners, direct mail has become romanticized in our culture,” Patel says. Direct mail campaigns let people know you want their business specifically, instead of sending out a broad email blast or digital ad.

According to the US Postal Service, 54% of people surveyed tried a new product or business in a six-month period in 2020 because they received a mail piece. That’s a great opportunity that many businesses are missing when they only focus on online ads.

Direct mail will always remain important to the business world, whether you use a postcard, brochure, or a letter directed to a specific type of person. We are here to help you in your efforts to run a direct mail campaign. Check us out today! 
Hone your advertising today with high-quality printing! Call the Print Cafe of LI, Inc at 516-561-1468 or Visit Our Website